And it didn't even take tens of thousands of years!
Okay, guys and gals. We've come to a crossroads of sorts. When I first conceived of this blog, it was going to be strictly about boss battles. And since Dark Souls II had just come out, and since those games (in general) have amazing boss battles, I figured what a great place to start. After finishing the game, I was stuck. What game could I go to next that had great bosses that I could write about? Nothing much came to mind (besides the first two Souls games). Then I thought of the God Of War series. Now that's a series that has great boss battles. But, I've beaten all but the most recent game (Ascension). While I would like to go back and replay those games, I have such a gigantic backlog of games (from NES up to PS3) that I decided it was time to start playing through them. I figured, perhaps I could take pictures, and document my blind progress through all these games. Original? Certainly not. But perhaps I could bring a slightly different perspective? Maybe people like my inane ramblings?I'll take pictures also, and I'd like to take this space here to apologize, once and for all, for the quality of the pictures. As this is still largely just a service to myself (I'm my target audience at this point, because I'm not convinced, despite the page view numbers, that more than one or two people really even look at this. Thanks spambots!), I don't have the money nor justification to buy that fancy capturing hard/software. I would like it, because I'm sure it makes things much easier, but that's likely not happening. I'll try to take the best pics I can with my phone, and use those. Who knows, if people actually like reading what I write, maybe I can save and splurge on a capture device.
So, that's that. Going forward, the video game section of this here blog will be my documentations of playing through these games, with an emphasis on bosses, where applicable.
Wait, video game section? Isn't it ALL video games, you might ask yourself. The short answer is
Now, for the long answer. Another passion of mine is reading. After a long drought of non-reading, I'm getting back into it. I've decided I'm going to post my thoughts on what I'm reading. Not reviews, let's say (overdone, eh?), but just my general thoughts and opinions. Now, this may be interesting for the following reason:
So, there it is, ladies and germs. I'd say the split will be 75% video games, 25% books (I'm a slow reader, coupled with my finite amount of time per day I get to read). Hopefully, if any real person reads any of this, they'll enjoy it. My first post under the new format will be for a SNES game called Phantom 2040. I'm not sure when it will be up, but I'd like something to be up by the holiday weekend. See you all there!
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