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Ugh, LOOK at this mess. How'd I get myself into this craziness? |
Last night, I decided it was finally time to write down, and count exactly how many games I had in my backlog. I knew it was a lot. I was guessing 50. Hell, maybe even 60. But, if you can read the above number, or if you read my previous post (you probably didn't, and it's okay. Really), you'll know the number is a staggering 94. Oi fucking vey, amiright? I cannot believe I have this many games just sitting, not being played. It did make me realize I must have at least 200 games in my collection. I know it isn't a huge amount compared to some people, but for little ol' me? That's pretty good. I'm also in the (very slow) process of cataloging all my games, so I can get an official count.
I also realized that, even though getting games comes few and far between for me, I can cool it for a little bit. There's still hundreds of games I'd like to eventually own, but first I should probably knock off some on this list. I will say, there may be a few I take off just because I don't like them. I'll try to play everything to completion, but if I don't like a game, well, I don't like a game. This may have already happened with Phantom 2040 for the SNES. I have put in maybe three hours here and there, and I just can't get pulled in. I'm never thinking, "oh boy, I can't wait to pop in Phantom 2040 again!" It's always more like, "ugh, I really just don't want to play Phantom 2040. But I will." It becomes a chore. And chores are just no fun.
I haven't figured out exactly how I want to tackle this list, or how I should maintain it on my blog here. For now, I'm just going to list the games in my backlog, and do a simple cross-out and a date completed when I beat one. So this page will serve as a master list, and will hopefully be updated as absolutely promptly as possible. After I beat some games, I'll probably make some separate posts dedicated to them, with pictures, my thoughts, and other general musings.
Well, without further adieu, here is the mastodonic (is that a word? Blogger says no!) list. They are in no order, but I will list oldest systems first (basically). Thanks for looking y'all!
-1/18/15: Beat 6 Golden Coins (GB)
-1/10/15: Beat Splatterhouse (original) and started Super Mario World 2: 6 Golden Coins (GB)
-1/1/15: Added Suikoden II, Legend of Dragoon, and Wild Arms ("PS1", via PS3 digital)
-12/28/14: Added Vagrant Story, Threads of Fate, and Suikoden ("PS1", via PS3 digital)
-12/20/14: Added Dragon Quest IX (DS) and Tales of the Abyss (3DS). Also, started Splatterhouse (original arcade, via PS3 version)
-12/18/14: Added Child of Light (PS3) and Pier Solar ("Sega MegaDrive", via PS3 digital)
-12/11/14: Beat Brain Lord (SNES)
-12/8/14: Started Final Fantasy IV Advance (GBA)
-11/15/14: Started Splatterhouse (PS3)
-11/13/14: Started Brain Lord (SNES)
-11/9/14: Beat Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
-11/6/14: Added Brain Lord (SNES)
-11/3/14: Added Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Uncharted: Among Thieves, also added Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection and Splatterhouse (all PS3)
-10/31/14: Added Dragon Age: Origins, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Fallout 3 (all PS3) and Obscure: The Aftermath (Wii). Also started Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
-10/30/14: Beat MMPR (SNES)
-10/28/14: Started Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (SNES)
-10/8/14: Started Link's Awakening (GB)
-10/7/14: Beat Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS)
-9/26/14: Added Link's Awakening (GB)
-9/21/14: Beat Batman: Arkham Origins (PS3)
-9/13/14: Added Champions: Call to Arms (PS2)
-8/25/14: Added Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Xbox) and Clock Tower 3 (PS2)
-8/23/14: Added Blue Dragon and Condemned: Criminal Origins for 360
-8/18/14: Took all of the N64 games off this list (getting rid of my tiny N64 collection)
-8/11/14: Started RE: Revelations (3DS)
-7/22/14: Added Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS), and am putting Star Ocean (PSP) on hiatus for now, to (hopefully) get continued later on down the line
-7/18/14: Finished Grim Adventures (GBA)
-7/14/14: Added The Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy (GBA)
-7/14/14: Finished Aliens: Infestation (DS)
-7/7/14: Finished Silent Hill Downpour (PS3)
-6/30/14: Started Aliens: Infestation (DS)
-6/27/14: Added Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare to PS3
- 6/16/14: Added Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning to PS3 (I forgot it, because I own it digitally on my PS3. No hard copy)
- 6/14/14: Crossed out Phantom 2040 for SNES, added start date to Silent Hill Downpour (PS3)
- Swords & Serpents
- Dragon Warrior
- Ultima: Exodus
- Faxanadu
- Ninja Gaiden
- A note about this one: I know it's hard as hell, and I am not 100% confident I will actually be able to beat it fully! Only time will tell, eh?
- Astyanax
- I've played this game a bit, and I really enjoy it. I feel it's kind of an under appreciated gem on the NES
- Star Tropics
- ST II: Zoda's Revenge
- I'm very excited to play both these games
- Duck Tales
- Final Fantasy
- You will notice I have a fucking huge amount of Final Fantasy games in my backlog
- Battle Of Olympus
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- I know, I know. I've beaten 1 & 3, but never got around to completing this oddity
- The Legend Of Zelda
- Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link
- Final Fight
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers(started on 10/28/14, beat on 10/30/14)- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Phantom 2040Again, this one may be stricken from the list. I haven't vastly enjoyed my time with the game thus far- Super Star Wars
- Super Empire Strikes Back
- I typically despise Star Wars with a fiery, unholy passion. This trilogy of games for the Super Nintendo is probably the only Star Wars things I like.
Super Castlevania IV-started on 10/31/14, beat on 11/9/14- Magic Sword
Brain Lord(started 11/13/14, finished 12/11/14)- Ys III: Wanderer From Ys
- Jurassic Park
- I actually enjoy this game!
- Ultima: False Prophet
- Drakkhen
- Wolfchild
- Eye Of The Beholder
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects
- This is technically a "Megadrive" game, but it was released in 2010, and I downloaded it from the Playstation Network on my PS3. I'll include it here instead of under the "PS3" section
- Pokemon Red
- The first Pokemon I ever played was the newest version, Y. It was extraordinarily fun.
- Final Fantasy Legend III
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- Great little story behind my acquisition of this one: I'm training a new guy Max at work, and it turns out he's HUGE into retro games (and gaming in general). He says something like, "I'm pretty sure I have Link's Awakening in my car". And sure as shit, he does! And he just let's me have it, because he has a digital copy on his 3DS. It's the original black-and-white Gameboy version, not the Gameboy Color DX version, and this is more than okay with me. VERY excited to start it, and it's basically second on my "handheld priority" list, right after I finish RE: Revelations (started 10/8/14)
EXPLANATION: I recently decided N64 is just not a console I have interest in, at all. I'm getting rid of the few games I have. I plan on getting the OOT release on 3DS, and I'm just crossing my fingers Majora's Mask gets a 3DS release also. (8/18/14)Super Mario 64Perfect DarkThe Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of TimeI feel I might need to defend myself on this one a bit. I've been a Zelda fan since at least Link To The Past (although I have distinct memories of playing the first two on NES at a young age), but as a family, when it was a choice between PS1 and N64, we chose PS1 (a choice I would make 1000/1000 times, by the way). I never got to play any of the flagship N64 games. My greatest regret from wanting a PS1 was never getting to play either OOT or Majora's Mask.
- Final Fantasy Anthology (5&6)
- I've debated long and hard about playing both FF5 and FF6 on this compilation. Obviously this is one of the easiest ways to play 5, but I'd really like to play 6 on the SNES (known as Final Fantasy III, of course). But I also know the price of a damn FFIII cart, and it just seems like it makes way more sense for me to play it on this disc, seeing as how I already have it.
- Final Fantasy Origins (2)
- Now with this one, I'm only going to play Final Fantasy II. I have the original on NES, and I'd like to play it on that machine.
- King's Field
- Suikoden
- I've been getting more and more excited to play this as I've been talking about it with a friend at work. PS3 digital download
- Threads of Fate
- PS3 digital download
- Vagrant Story
- I rented this game once or twice as a kid. I liked it, but never played much. I know it's pretty highly regarded, so I'd love to play through it fully. PS3 digital download
- Mega Man X4
- Mega Man X6
- Mega Man 8
- I don't find the Playstation era Mega Man games to be as fun or endearing as their 8/16 bit counterparts.
- Deathtrap Dungeon
- This isn't a great game, and I debated putting it on the list because I only have it for nostalgic purposes. But I will play through and (hopefully) beat it
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Granstream Saga
- Tomb Raider
- Overblood
- Another game I know hasn't stood up to the test of time, but I have such great memories of my dad and I playing this game. I have never beaten it myself (I know he did back in the day), so I'd like to change that. Going through will be a great nostalgic trip too
- Nightmare Creatures
- Same deal as Overblood above.
- Galerians
- Syphon Filter 2
- Treasures Of The Deep
- Chrono Cross
- I wish I had Chrono Trigger...
- Golden Sun: The Lost Age
- I played through, and LOVED, the first game. I started this one directly after finishing the first (this was some time last year), and since it's so similar to the first, I was just kind of burned out from this game. I'm probably a little less than a quarter of the way through.
- Final Fantasy IV Advance
- Again, same deal with FF6 up there. I'd like to play this on the SNES as Final Fantasy II, but chances are I won't have that cart for a while. It's not as pricey as III, but I still don't have the cash for it. (started on 12/8/14)
The Grim Adventures of Billy and MandyStarted this on 7/15/14-finished 7/18/14
- Castlevania: Lament Of Innocence
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy XII
- Dark Cloud
- Clock Tower 3
- Very excited to play this. Love getting more survival horror
- Twisted Metal Black
- Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey Of The Cursed King
- Mega Man X7
- Eternal Ring
- Champions: Return to Arms
- Very excited to play this. LOVED the original Champions of Norrath when it first came out. Haven't had a chance to play this one yet
- Phantasy Star Universe
- Red Dead Revolver
- LOVE Red Dead Redemption. Interested to see what they kept from this first game
- Resident Evil 4
- A classic that I haven't gotten around to playing. Hey, that's the reason for this list!
- Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
- A not-so classic (though still good) that I haven't gotten around to beating. This game is hard as hell. Love the graphics
- Unlimited Saga
- I hear this game really sucks, but I'm still willing to give it a fair shot.
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Another game I started long ago, but never beat. I must have gotten at least half way through, and I can't remember why I stopped. I LOVED the first one.
- Max Payne 2
- I started this long ago, and stopped after probably less than an hour. Not sure why, because I loved the first, and I recently played through the third, which was also fantastic. Anyway, this is low priority.
- Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
- I played and beat the second game, and while I remember it was pretty difficult, it was also way more fun than I had anticipated. Hopefully the first is good also.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
- This isn't too high on the priority list just yet (because of the HUGE TIME-SINK it is), but I can't wait to lose potentially 100+ hours to this game, which I hear is better than Oblivion and Skyrim
- Resident Evil
- This is the only Gamecube we have (it wasn't even mine! It was my then-girlfriend's). I'm very interested to see what it's like compared to the flawed, but awesome, PS1 original.
Aliens: InfestationWhile this isn't the only DS game I have, it's the only one I need to play and beat. Bought it cheap at Target without knowing anything about it. From what I've heard from people on Instagram, it's a great game! Wooh! (started 6/30/14)- finished this 7/14/14
- Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
- Just grabbed this for pretty cheap over the weekend. I probably wont' start it for a while, but I'd like to have it finished by the end of 2015
- Star Ocean: First Departure
- I've been playing this game, on and off, for about two months now. It's okay, but it's been tough for me to really get sucked into it. It's not as fun as I was hoping it would be. I'll get into this more in its own post, but my two annoyances are: the fighting (it's basically button-mashing dressed up to look like something more strategic) and the world-map-traversal (so far, 12+ hours in, I still have to walk over the world map. It takes FOREVER to get from one destination to another).
- *NOTE: I'm putting my playthrough on hiatus for now. I wanna play other PSP/handheld games. I should still pick this back up later on*
- Star Ocean: Second Evolution
- I'm probably going to wait a long while to start this, once I beat part one. This is definitely currently very low on the priority list
- Dungeon Maker II: The Hidden War
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions
- Donkey Kong Country Returns
- I'm pretty close to beating this. I just gotta sit down and do it.
- Super Mario Galaxy
- I started this game, long ago, on my first girlfriend's Wii. I got pretty damn far, and of course, we broke up. I haven't had the energy to fully restart this again, even though it's one of the best Mario game I've played
- Obscure: The Aftermath
- Haven't played the first, but this was $2.50 at Gamestop, so I decided, why the hell not. Tough to turn down a very cheap survival horror game.
XBOX 360:
- Fable II
- Fable III
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- Blue Dragon
- Very excited about this one, and I'd like to move up closer to the top of my "queue"
- Alan Wake
- I'm at least halfway through this game. One of the driving reasons I wanted a 360
- Halo: Reach
- I started this game also, but I'll most likely restart it once I pick it up to continue playing.
- Gears Of War
- Gears Of War 2
Resident Evil: Revelations (started 8/11/14)- finished 10/7/14- Tales of the Abyss
- I plan on starting this once I finish Final Fantasy IV Advance
- Bulletstorm
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- Child of Light
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Fallout 3
- Had this before, but got rid of it. Gotta give it another chance
- Dragon Age: Origins
- See above!
- Mass Effect 3
- LOVED the second one. Can't wait to play this.
- Resident Evil 6
- My wife and I played through, and loved, 5, for all its faults. We started this one, and she just wasn't feeling it at all. So I'm going solo. I will say, the insistence on those fucking timed-button press parts are infuriating. Can't wait for the Evil Within
- Two Worlds II
- Another game I know gets bad-to-middling reviews, but I'm eager to try it.
- Saints Row IV
Batman: Arkham Origins-finished this 9/21/14- Condemned 2: Bloodshot
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Splatterhouse (started PS3 game 11/15/14)
- As with the Sonic Collection, I mainly got this game because you can unlock the three original Splatterhouse games, and I'd love to play those. So if I have to slog through a mediocre God of War clone (with extreme gore at least), I'm fine with that. This sublist will be the three Splatterhouse games from this collection:
- Splatterhouse
- Splatterhouse II
- Splatterhouse III
- Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
- Very excited about this one. Just realized very recently that probably every Genesis game I've ever wanted to play is on this collection. I generally dislike Genesis greatly, but there are some (hopefully) great games on here. This sublist will list all the games on this collection I'd like to play through and beat:
- Alien Storm
- Altered Beast
- Golden Axe
- Golden Axe II
- Golden Axe III
- Phantasy Star
- Phantasy Star II
- Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
- Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
- Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention
- Shining Force II
- Shining in the Darkness
- Streets of Rage
- Streets of Rage 2
- Streets of Rage 3
- Alien Syndrome
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (DLC)
- I decided to include this as well. Not a full game, but as far as DLC, it's decently long. It's also the absolute BEST zombie-related DLC that's probably ever been released.
- Kingdoms Of Amular: Reckoning
Silent Hill: DownpourI'm a huge SH fan, and this, Origins, and Shattered Memories are the only ones I haven't played. Very much looking forward to playing Downpour (started this on 6/14/2014).-finished this 7/6/14
Well, there you have it folks! Check back here periodically, I'll strike these through when I finish them. Wish me luck.
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