Two years and still going strong!
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xoxo |
This post will be dramatically different than all my other ones. You see, today is mine and my wife's two year wedding anniversary! That's pretty big. I mean, you could say it's ONLY two years. Think of what a relatively small amount of time two years is in a common human life. However, I say two years being married is a HUGE thing. Think of how many marriages don't last two years. Think of the ones that last only one year. Think of all the relationships in general that don't last two years. My wife and I (Sandra, to the uninitiated) have been together for almost five years, and married two, and we've gone through quite a lot. But then again, who hasn't gone through a lot?
Why am I writing this, you may ask? Am I writing this because my wife is beautiful? Well, she is. But that's not the reason. Is it because she has a smile that can turn my whole world from shitty to wonderful? Well, that's a great thing as well, but no, that isn't why I'm writing this. Is it because she's damn funny, and can always make me laugh? Nope, that's not the reason. Is it because she's the most amazing mother I've ever seen? Kara would agree, but that's not the impetuous if my writing this. Could it perhaps be because my wife Sandra is an intelligent, crafty individual? She is kicking some school ass right now, and she can whip up adorable and fun skirts for our daughter like no one's business, but even still, no, that is not why I'm writing this. Oh, is it because she has made me a better person, both in personality, worldview, and physical health. I mean, with her help, motivation, and dedication, has helped me lose 51 pounds since sometime last year (roughly a year ago, I think). That's AMAZING. And I credit her basically 100% (by the by, she's lost 150!). She's made me see the world through better eyes. I've (somewhat) seen the error of my judgemental, silly ways. But no, venerable reader, that is not why I'm writing this. Wait, wait! Is it because she makes me feel safe and comfortable? Is it because, no matter how bad things are, she ALWAYS makes me feel better? She's also great at that. But nay, that's not why!
I'm writing this little blog post because I'm married to my best friend. Do you know how amazing, how absolutely special it feels, to be married to your best friend? To know, every day, that that friend will be there for you. That she'll wake up in the morning with you, and she'll go to bed at night with you. I'm not a religious person in the least, but I think the word "blessed" can be used outside of a religious sense. I feel blessed to have Sandra by my side, every day, every hour, every minute, every damn second. Sure, I can annoy her, or even really piss her off (never on purpose, I promise), but she's always still there. Even if I hurt her feelings because I'm a dolt, she's there, more willing than ever to be my best friend. I feel blessed for that.
Sandra, I love you with all my heart, and I can't wait to spend another five, ten, fifteen, hell, five hundred years with you! Happy anniversary mama!
Okay, enough of the mooshy stuff. Here is a list of things my wife has turned me on to (in no particular order, after #1):
- Lost
- Sons of Anarchy
- Alexisonfire
- City And Colour
- Thrice
- Borderlands
- The Arkham Batman games (hey, still snuck video games in here!)
- The wonderful taste of eggplant
- Also, the wonderful tastes of: broccoli, eggs (sort of), celery, stuffed peppers, tacos, meatloaf (not Meatloaf, though), and just generally healthier eating
Okay, I think that might be everything. I'm sure I've forgotten some things, but that is the large bulk of the important stuff. Until next time everyone, good night. Give your lovers an extra hug!
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