Sometimes giant skulls have giant tongues
Hopefully you've read and enjoyed my B-LOG SLAYING post about Super Castelvania IV (what? You haven't read it! Ugh! Well, here it is!). This game has a pretty large amount of bosses, so in typical fashion, I've given them there very own blog post! They better appreciate it too. While there are a good number, each entry won't be terribly long. There isn't a whole lot of nuance to most of these battles (the Dracula post will be lengthy though). Have fun!
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Skeleton riding a skeleton horse |
The first boss is (as you might guess) the easiest. He's probably also the most boring. He's a skeleton, wielding a sword. He's riding a skeleton horse. The horse will shoot easily avoidable fireballs from his mouth. Only his head can be attacked (from that very convenient platform, I might add). Once about half of its health is gone, the horse breaks apart, and you're stuck just fighting the skeleton.
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Sans horse |
Once he's off his (high) horse, all he does is jump around, trying to plunge his sword into you. He's very easy to finish off. Only a decent first boss, but like I said, the worst one. Greatness -- and dumb names -- awaits.
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She could use a trip to the beach |
Orphic Vipers:
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Look how orphic they are! |
I originally thought these were dragon heads, but I guess they are just big ol' snakes. At any rate, they come out of the left of the screen, and each head just kinda floats about randomly on its thin neck. Luckily they both share a health bar. There are several platforms to stand on, to hit the heads easier. They will either shoot three blue fireballs or shoot a short range purple fire-breath attack. Both are easy to dodge. This guy is probably the toughest boss so far, but he's still easy.
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King of the raspberries? |
This here is an ethereal skull with a very long tongue. I'm going to go ahead and call this guy the most bizarre boss in the game. Even so, he looks damn cool. And what about that amazing name? Puwexil? What in the fuck? The Castlevania wiki provides some insight: spelled backwards, the name is "lix ew up". Boy, very clever. Anyway, this guy is annoying, but not frustratingly so. He can shoot projectiles or molest you with his ungodly tongue. Also, if you hit him, stuff falls from the ceiling and hurts you. This is the worst part of the battle. Luckily, even with this, he can be easily overcome. Also of minor note: this is the mid-level boss for stage IV.
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I love how big he is. |
This large stone man looks awesome. He's one of my favorite looking bosses in the game. He can throw stones at you, and he'll occasionally make stones fall from the ceiling. There are two platforms that go up and down that you can use to beat this golem's ass. As you hit him, he'll shrink in size. By the time you beat him, he's your size, if not a few pixels smaller. This guy is easy. I did make a note, however, that Stage IV was the most difficult thus far.
Dancing Spectres:
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The couple that swords together, stays together |
Sorry about the bad picture. They are very tough to take a picture of, since they are ethereal and move around a big room, disappearing and reappearing as the background moves behind them. These are two ghostly ballroom dancer-looking people, but they have swords (looks like fencing swords). They can poke and throw the swords. And again, as mentioned, they constantly move and disappear throughout the room. I considered them the toughest boss up to this point. Also, I made a note that THIS, at the time, was the hardest level so far. Even harder than Stage IV (this is Stage VI, for your information).
Sir Grakul:
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Pretty cool looking knight boss here (what is this, Dark Souls II? Sorry). He breaks out of a giant glass case (why wouldn't he?) and he's not very happy to see you. He can throw his axe, or he can slam it into the ground to create fire. There's a small platform you can stand on to get easier hits on him. Once his health gets to about 1/4 left, his axe breaks and he uses a sword. He can be a little tough, but he's still easy. Nothing to worry about. We'll get to some tough battles soon.
The Monster:
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A little hunched maybe? |
This is the grandaddy of all "classic" monsters. Simply, THE monster. Also known as Frankenstein's monster, or, as assholes refer to him as, Frankenstein. Naming aside, he's pretty easy. He throws a little bomb that explodes when it hits the ground. It causes fire to release on the ground in both directions. This is easy to dodge by standing on the platform that I'm standing on up there. Otherwise, he'll make a copy of himself that will appear near you. This lasts for a few seconds. Unfortunately, it cannot be attacked to hurt the monster and take away his health. Even so, for this battle being such an eponymous monster, he's pretty easy. I used the cross sub-weapon. Made short work of him. He looks pretty cool though
Zapf Bat:
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David Bowie's pet bat |
Now THIS is where shit starts to get tough. The Zapf bat (he couldn't be the Gold bat, huh?) is a huge pain in the ass. It's essentially made of gold dust. It flies around the top of the screen. When you hit him, large chunks of gold break off of his sides, and they can damage you. You can avoid this easily by just staying directly underneath him. The gold won't hit you. He will occasionally dive-bomb you as well. This I had a much tougher time dodging. At about a quarter of his health left, he does this:
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Very Zapfy |
He splits into three smaller bats! Woohoo! These bats also produce gold chunks if you hit them (gold chunks that are about the same size as them. Explain THAT ONE to me please!). However, they also drop small pellets directly underneath them (are they shitting, by the way?), so you can't even stand underneath them to dodge the flying gold. They stay grouped up, but as you attack each one enough, it'll die and disappear. Taking out two is far easier than taking out three. This was definitely the hardest boss of the game up to this point.
Akmodan II:
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In all his 16-bit glory! Akmodan II! |
Next up in the classic monster marathon is the mummy. Apparently his name is Akmodan II. Sure, whatever. I find it very strange you fight him at the end of this level, and his area is just random. Firstly, the level (which is definitely the hardest, most rage-inducing level in the game) is a hellish ascent up Dracula's clock tower. Why does Dracula have a clock tower in his castle? Why the hell not! A better question: why is this mummy the boss? Couldn't it have been some clock-monster or something? Also, the room you fight him in an outside area, with just three floating platforms. Weird.
Anyway, the battle itself. The mummy either throws his mummy tatters (boy that must hurt) or he'll shoot these very strange, ineffective fireballs. They have the shortest range I've ever seen on a video game fireball. Do you see the gap up there? In between the tiny platform the mummy is standing on, and the longer, bent one? If you stand at the top of that long one, and the mummy stands where he is, and he uses those fireballs, they won't hit you. They immediately split off and go up or down. Not sure why. I wasn't hit once with them during the battle. With the cross sub-weapon, Akmodan here is especially easy. I died while I was fighting him (THANK THE LORD YOU START RIGHT OUTSIDE HIS ROOM AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH HIS BULLSHIT LEVEL AGAIN), so I lost my cross sub-weapon, and I didn't even have a full length whip. Even so, pretty easy. I wonder if this small run of easy bosses will continue?
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Read on to find out the answer to the question I posed above! |
Absolutely fucking not! This boss starts the boss gauntlet that finishes up the game. Luckily, from here on out, even if you get game overs, you start right outside the boss room. So at least using dozens of lives to eventually kill any of these enemies isn't that big of a deal. Okay, this asshole. He's kinda of like a dinosaur-y skeleton warrior guy. Yeah. He has a spear that he can jab. He can also shoot fireballs from the spear. Finally, he can use a dashing headbutt move. Every time you hit him, he disappears and falls from the top of the screen to right over where you are standing. It's very easy to take damage during this. The strategy I used for this was to hit him, then walk away from that spot, and then immediately duck. Walking away will take you out of his falling range, and ducking will allow you to dodge his spear. You have to already be ducking by the time he falls though. Even then, sometimes I accidentally let me finger off the "down" directional and took damage. Once you get a rhythm though, it's not too bad. Until he has about a quarter of his health left, and then his spear breaks. He goes strictly with the headbutt dash (he still disappears when hit), which is quite tough to dodge. You see those tiny pillars there? Just hit him from one, then get over to the other one as quickly as possible, and hit him from it. Doing this seems to be the easiest way to kill him after his spear breaks. This guy ended up taking me more attempts to beat than Dracula. However, if I went back and did it again, I could probably beat him much easier. I'd still say Dracula is the hardest overall, but for first-timers, this guy takes the damn cake.
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Did I already use the "blue himself" joke? |
Boss number two in the gauntlet is this mean-looking gargoyle. You fight him literally 30 seconds after Slogra. However, they supply you with enough items between one boss and the next to fully heal yourself. So nice of them. He’s also much easier too. He starts out blue. He flies around the room, and he shoots fireballs. He will occasionally stomp down and shoot three fireballs straight ahead. The stomp also causes spikes to fall from the ceiling (by the by, this game loves having shit fall on your head during boss battles). Thankfully, if you are killed by any of this, and you get a game over, you start right outside the boss room. The strategy for his blue form is to just whale on him. His normal fireballs he throws are very easy to dodge, and when he slams down, just get in between the falling spikes, and destroy the fireballs as they come at you. About halfway through the battle, he’ll turn red. For whatever reason, I neglected to take a picture of his red form. Just use your imagination. When he’s red, he doesn’t do the stomp attack. He just flies around, shooting (more) fireballs. He’s very easy now, and overall much easier than that previous jackass.
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You would think Death would be a bit bigger |
Death. You would think he would be a final boss. Obviously, this game is about a vampire killer tracking down Dracula, but the idea of Dracula controlling Death seems a little silly to me. I mean, it’s DEATH! Eh, anyway, he’s pretty tough, but I still think he’s easier than Slogra. He flies around the screen, throwing an infinite number of small spinning scythes at you. These guys are pretty hard to dodge, even though they can be destroyed. Much of the damage I took from this battle was just getting battered around by these damn scythes. Outside of them, he’ll also swoop down and swing his normal-sized scythe at you. This is very easy to dodge. Finally, he comes to the ground and will use some Death-power to suck you close to him. He’ll throw his normal scythe while he does this. This is the best chance to get several free hits in on him. All you have to dodge is his scythe (which you just have to jump over). He just stands there. It’s a little tough though, because you can’t just stand and smash him. You have to continually run from him, to create some distance and so you don’t get sucked into him. Probably 90% of the damage I did to him was during this “sucking in” phase. Death is tough, but not frustratingly so.
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Here he is, shooting a fireball out of his dick. Just like that famous scene in the novel |
Okay, the big bad man himself. Mercifully, ol Drac only has one form. If any boss had more than one form, you’d think it was him (that would be in keeping with Castlevania semi-tradition). Dracula is surprisingly un-aggressive. At the start of the battle, he will only shoot a purple fireball. Pretty unassuming, huh? Well, therein lies the quandary. If you try to jump over it, it splits into three smaller fireballs, and they shoot straight up at you, slamming into you midair. If you hit the fireball head on, it splits into three or four smaller ones again, that travel on top of each other straight at you. I, for the life of me, couldn’t figure out how to dodge this fireball without taking damage. It seemed impossible. Since I’m a little cheater baby, I jumped on YouTube to figure this out. Firstly, there is a hidden staircase before Dracula’s room, right where you start. My friend had just told me about this secret staircase that same day, but the video showed exactly where it was. If you jump right into what seems like a bottomless hole, you’ll land on invisible stairs. Follow them down, and you will be rewarded with full health, full whip upgrade, 99 hearts, the cross sub-weapon, and the triple shot. Now, if you go the more legitimate route, you can still get the cross, the full whip upgrade, and 8 ammo (I believe). At any rate, the secret stash makes the battle much easier. Although, I still think it’s probably the toughest battle in the game (Slogra notwithstanding, for the reasons I explained in his part above). Okay, secondly, if you use your whip and just hold down the button after Simon uses it, he’ll just hold it in front of him. You can thrash it about with the directional buttons. But during the Dracula battle, the way to dodge/block those fireballs is this: as Drac shoots one, hit it with the whip. Then keep the button held down, and all the smaller fireballs will collide with the whip, and they’ll be destroyed, and you’ll take no damage. That’s the trick! Finally, Dracula can only be hit in his head, and he’ll disappear after every hit (or if you don’t hit him fast enough), and reappear somewhere else in the room.
Okay folks, let’s get down to brass taxes. Here’s how this battle went for me: He starts shooting that one purple fireball. Hit his head enough while blocking those fireballs, and he switches his attacks a bit. He’ll throw a small purple ball at you. It flies randomly around the screen. If you can hit it (it’ll damage you if it hits you), it’ll shoot out some smaller balls. But then it leaves a small pork chop! Health during a boss battle? Yes please! This alleviates some stress from the battle. After you get rid of that purple ball comes the hardest part of the battle. Dracula will summon two (or only one if he’s at the far end of either side of the screen) small pillars of flame, and they will spawn two flame faces above them. They will follow you slowly. They only take one hit to dispatch, but they fall and cause a small explosion. This, of course, damages you. You can't hit them from below because of this.These guys really are a pain to deal with, because it can be tough to find the right angle to attack them. But Drac doesn't have any other attacks during this time (occasionally he will send out another of those purple balls actually), so it's all about killing those flame-faces then getting hits in on Dracula. The triple-shot cross helps greatly with this. As with many of the other bosses, once his health gets to about 1/4, the battle changes again. The screen flashes red (then continues to pulsate red throughout the remainder), and Dracula calls down lightning from the sky at evenly placed intervals. Luckily, this is probably the easiest part of the battle. Just stand in between the lightning and attack Dracula in the head as you did before. Eventually, you will drain his health, and a window in the background will shatter, casting light all over Dracula's sensitive skin. He'll explode into many bats, and that's that. Sit back and watch his castle crumble to the ground:
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Simon looks a bit feminine here |
That's all folks! I find the bosses in this game to be fabulous. I tend to really love 16-bit bosses. They have the potential to look better than current-gen (which I think is true for most SNES games in a strange sort of way). The bosses in this game exemplify what I love about 16-bit bosses: great variety, very colorful, and most importantly, fun. Even though most of them are just endurance matches with no real strategy, I can overlook this because I enjoyed them all so much.
Thanks for checking out my rundown of the bosses for Super Castlevania IV and as always, stay tuned for more content. I have several non-video game blogs lined up to be published (hopefully) in the next few weeks, through Thanksgiving. If I had more time, I'd probably pump more out, but as it stands, I just can't commit more than about an hour a day to working on all the writing. I play/read/watch the things I wanna write about also, and take the most studious (yet un-tedious) notes I can, but perfection like this takes time. Just be on the lookout folks!
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