M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!
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"Oooooh my goodness, dad is writing a blog post about me!" |
I'm a father. Some of you probably did not know that. If you had told anyone (myself included) six or seven years ago that I would be a dad, and I would absolutely love it, they would have told you, "Pssh, you don't know Shane very well, poindexter." I've had family tell me they still think it's weird when they see my with my daughter, because it's just such a foreign sight for them. I used to hate kids. Actually, I still hate kids. Just not my daughter. Most peoples' kids bug the shit out of me. But that's neither here nor there. This post is a second in my "sentimental" series (I made a blog post to my wife for our two year anniversary. Read it and get all verklempt here). You see, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. But who gives a shit? Tomorrow is also my daughter Kara's TWO YEAR BIRTHDAY. I cannot even believe two years have passed since my wife endured 51 (51!) hours of labor and gave birth to our six-week premature darling. This post (and the following one) is dedicated to my beautiful, smart, clever, annoying, frustrating, foul-mouthed (whoops), happy, jewel of a daughter. Kara, if you ever read this, know I love you more than I can amateur-ly put into words.
Enough with that mushy stuff! My daughter watches TV and movies. I've decided to rank everything she watches regularly (and asks to watch), from worst to best, based on how much I like them. Join me, if you will?
Kara asks to watch Gilmore Girls all the damn time. My wife just finished watching it through Netflix, and she would watch it while Kara was in the same room. I'm not putting this on the official list, because unlike everything else on this list, she can't sit and watch or understand any of this show, for even a few seconds. It doesn't stop her from asking for it (note, if I were to rank this, it would be in top five probably)
9. Super Why!
Super Why! is a show about a little boy named Wyatt. He tries to solve all the complex problems of life through the reading and comprehension of fairy tales. He has some friends that assist him. Firstly, the whole show is done in a pretty crappy-looking computer animated style, so that turns me off. Also, the songs are incredibly lame, and they come off as almost sounding lazy. This is a show for small children, so I should cut it some slack, but no. Fuck that. This show is pretty awful. While I appreciate the fact that it wants to teach through reading, it doesn't get any extra points for that. Wyatt and his pals sit at number nine.
8. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
This might be my daughter's current favorite show. Unbeknownst to me at the time of our first watching, but this show is sort of a cartoon continuation of Mister Roger's Neighborhood. It's done in an almost South Park style animation. This show is as equally awful as Super Why!, but it's saved by one thing: the opening song. It's so damn infectious, and the guy that sings it has such a silky-smooth voice that it just cheers me up. Sure, the other songs border on DISGUSTINGLY HORRIFIC, and the show in general is mighty inane, but I guess it teaches kids stuff? Stuff like how crayons are made, and that it's okay to be nervous before a doctor's appointment. You know, important stuff. Anyway, if not for that damn opening song, I might flip-flop this and Super Why!
7. Frozen
I know this is the hottest goddamn movie to grace the big screen in the last 95,000 years, but talk about overrated (don't mind the fact that I'm dedicating my next blog post to it). It's a decent movie to watch once a year, maybe. But I've watched it probably 75 times since August, and I think I'm qualified to say the following: uuuuuuuuuuuughghghhhahdhdlslsysya. Seriously though, this girl is OBSESSED with Frozen. She loves all the merchandise, and she can sit and watch the movie for long stretches. I can't wait for the next big movie to come out and dethrone this one. She actually gets pretty into the trailers for Big Hero 6, so maybe that'll be the winner?
6. Monsters, Inc.
Now we get into the real nitty-gritty. Kara loves the two Monsters movies. L-O-V-E-S them. She can sit and watch them for loooooong stretches, and she plays with all the toys (and stuffed animals. And books. And other miscellany). I like this movie a lot. It's charming, decently funny for a children's movie, has good characters, and has an interesting plot (even though I could poke a million and one holes in their logic throughout the two movies). If you haven't seen this Pixar masterpiece, what the hell are you waiting for?
5. Monsters University
The sequel to Monsters, Inc. is the first movie or TV show that my daughter was obsessed with. This was the first thing she watched for longer than 30 seconds. We would watch this every night before bed. It was our family ritual. I'm in the minority that likes this movie better than the first. The story is a little better, it has some great new characters, and the end of the movie (the last 30 minutes or so) doesn't go where you'd expect, which is nice. Very enjoyable for kids and adults alike. "I can't go back to jail!"
4. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
I enjoy Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I enjoy it probably way more than I should. It's a dumb show, really. What toddler's show isn't? But it has all those classic Disney characters, and it's just really fun (in a brain dead sort of way). Also, it has absolutely kick ass songs. Almost all the songs are fun and they knock it out of the park. You know the band They Might Be Giants? The guys that made the theme song for the show Malcolm in the Middle? Well, they do the theme song for this (along with the "Hot Dog" song, which is featured in every episode). So, even if you don't have kids, watch MMCH. No one will judge you.
3. Toy Story
God, I LOVE this movie. To death. I watched this in the theaters (when I was 8. This shit came out 19 years ago) when it came out. It holds a very special place in my heart. It has awesome characters, a great story (even though some of the movie logic makes no sense), it's touching and funny. I don't need to sell you on the merits of Toy Story. I'd like to note that when Kara asks for Toy Story, it could actually be the first or the third. It's usually whatever my wife and I want to watch at the time. Unlike the Monsters movies, which Kara will specify which one she wants to watch, she always will just say, "I wanna watch Toy Story." The third one is great too, but the first is one of my favorites of all time. Good choice Kara!
2. Futurama
Yes, my daughters asks to watch Futurama on a daily basis. Now obviously, she doesn't understand anything that's going on, and this is a show not intended for two-year-olds, but that doesn't stop her. I almost feel bad including it on here, because she doesn't sit and watch it too much, but god she asks for it ALL THE DAMN TIME. I love Futurama. It's clever, funny, incredibly smart, and has all those awesome characters. I love it almost as much as I love...
1. The Simpsons
Yes, Kara loves The Simpsons more than she loves Futurama. And with The Simpsons, she can actually sit and watch it for a bit. In fact, we sat and watched "Tennis the Menace" (ugh, season twelve shenanigans) together tonight, and watched almost the whole thing. She also has several of my old Simpsons toys that she plays with often. She can identify Bart, Marge, Mr. Burns, Krusty the Clown, Homer (sometimes referred to as, "Bart"), and Smithers (sometimes referred to as, "Mr. Burns"). She doesn't really understand what's going on, but she can point out when Homer falls, which she enjoys. The Simpsons is my favorite show of all time (look for some blog posts on it soon), so it was very easy to call this one my favorite show that Kara watches/always asks to watch.
That's all folks! Kara will occasionally ask to watch "Krusty the Snowman" (Instead of Frosty the Snowman.See? Simpsons influence invading every aspect of her life. Daddy's girl!), and she was really into Curious George a few days ago, but these are the main nine she always wants to watch. Look for a separate Frozen post, hopefully today (Thanksgiving fools!). If not, it will be up Friday. It's part two of my silly dedication to my amazing daughter. Daddy loves you Kara!
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