Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Introduction to Bloodborne-mania

No need to wait 40 seconds here

    As you all probably know, the game Bloodborne was just released today. It's essentially the spiritual successor to either the Souls series as a whole, or specifically Demon's Souls. At any rate, it's basically the next Souls game. And that's a cause for great celebration. So here's how the celebrating is going down on this blog:

    I'm going to be writing about this game. A. Lot. I'm going to do with this what I wanted to do with Dark Souls II when it came out last year (and inspired me to resurrect my years-dead blog), which is a weekly (perhaps more frequent?) diary entry, much like I did with Final Fantasy IV Advance. That worked out quite well, I'd say. I've decided to do two separate weekly posts: one being a general, "what has happened during my play sessions during the week", and one that, of course, focuses on bosses. I don't think there are as many bosses in this one as were in DSII, but I still expect 20+, which is a damn good number. So I think I'm going to have a notebook right next to my bed, and take my general/boss notes on it, then probably bring it to work the next day and convert it to a blog post during my lunch. There's some great news about this too! Since the Playstaion 4 has screenshot capture capability built right in, I can actually get GOOD pictures to go along with the words I write. That's pretty damn exciting. For Dark Souls II, I posted about each boss, but the first several didn't have pictures. Even when I started implementing pictures, many were of very sub par quality. Not this time around!

    I want to keep this post pretty short, but that's the general idea of what you'll be seeing on this blog for the next roughly 8+ weeks. I mean, that's not ALL I'll be posting, but it'll be a 90/10 split between Bloodborne and EVERYTHING ELSE. What is that everything else? Well, if all else fails, I should have a B-LOG SLAYING write up of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon in the coming weeks. I'm at the end of the game (it's pretty damn hard, and decently long), so it should be beat soon. Otherwise, I'll really start up Alone in the Dark, and I'll have a write up of that as well. I haven't abandoned Child of Light, and I'd like to try to keep playing through that as well, but I wouldn't expect that write up any time soon. I will say right here, that game kicks major ass.

    I think that about sums it all up. I expect some people to lose interest in what I'm going to be writing here, but I also expect to pick up some new (or, new-ish) readers. There's lots of feverish Bloodborne fans out there I know between Facebook (ugh, I'm back on that), Twitter, and Instagram. For one final extra bit of goodness, I'm going to list everything I know about the game (it isn't much) before heading into it. It'll be interesting to look back in a few months and realize just how blind I went into it. As a final final note, I REALLY AM TRYING TO DO THIS BLIND. I said that with DSII, but ending up being too obsessed, and I just accidentally read too much.  If it all possible, I'm going to make my way, solo, blind through this game. Wish me luck. And to everyone else who is going to be playing, good luck to you! If anyone wants to add me on PSN, my name is nosferat3.

  • First, the bad. I hear the loading times after dying can reach up to 40 seconds. Ugh. I didn't want to believe that when I first read it over the weekend. I'm assuming they can patch it at least
  • I also hear there are some frame rate problems. This doesn't bother me at all. I actually had no problem with Blighttown. 
  • That's all the bad! I've heard that it is a beautiful looking game with a great world
  • I know it's laid out very cleverly and hearkens back to Dark Souls with the way shortcuts become accessible
  • Much faster-paced combat. No shields!
  • I read in that Edge magazine review that was leaked a few days ago that there was some mechanic that they were forbade to speak about at that time. I wonder that that could be?
  • Chalice Dungeons!
  • Finally, you can sort of find friends to play with using some sort of password system. Interesting