Friday, November 7, 2014

On Not Writing About Dark Souls II Anymore (more notes)


    Like all my note posts, I'll keep this short and sweet. I'm putting my post on the "Crown of the Ivory King" DLC for Dark Souls II on indefinite hiatus. It doesn't mean I won't eventually write about it, however. But, it's been so long since I played and beat it, and I just can't commit anymore time to DSII right now. I've probably never wanted to write anything less than I want to do that write up. If you're disappointed (you're not. I know no one is. It's okay, my feelings aren't hurt), I'm deeply sorry. Also, I won't be writing a post about the optional boss(es) in that DLC, Lud and Zallen, the King's Pets. It's just another fight with a tiger, like Aava, but you have to fight two of them. And they are black instead of white. I honestly never even got to them. To me, it was NOT WORTH going through the Frigid Outskirts to fight a lazy, re-used boss. Anyway, with rumors of perhaps more DLC coming, I'm not sure when I'll play it (if it does indeed come out). When I do, I will try my very absolute personal best to get a write up of it up in a timely manner. Thanks for sticking with me, broskis and brodettes.

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