Not quite the endgame. More like the grindy-game (???)
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This pic sums up pretty well all the death I went through this week |
DAY 23 (2/3/15. PLAYTIME: 19:37 TO 19:53)
I had played over the weekend (on Saturday, 1/31) for about a half an hour, and I got a little ways into the Lunar Subterrane. At some point, you find lots of treasure chests. Some have items, and some have super powerful monsters. The combo of a Blue and Red Dragon that popped out of a chest killed me.
So fast forward to Tuesday, on my lunch break. TWO MORE TIMES I was killed. Once by more monsters from treasure chests (two Red Dragons this time), and then once by one of the optional boss battles throughout the cave (two Lunasuars, this time). So, I gotta start again at the beginning. Ugh, this place is very tough. I did kill one easy boss for one of Edge's ultimate weapons, at least.
WHITE DRAGON (to obtain Murasame)
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Petrified coiled poo? (sorry, that's gross) |
Not too tough of a battle, but it's annoying. The White Dragon LOVES casting Slow, and I'm pretty sure everyone was Slowed by the end of the battle. Otherwise, he'll attack normally and use Maelstrom, which we leave everyone with only 4-6 HP left. A very dangerous attack, but a group Curaja will do (especially since the Dragon doesn't attack that often. He's too busy using Slow). I had Cecil and Edge Attack, Kain use Jump, and Rydia summon Bahamut (Rosa heals, obvi!). After at least three Bahamuts and lots of other attacks, the White Dragon went down.
DAY 24 (2/5/15. PLAYTIME: 19:54 TO 20:41)
Made my way through the Lunar Subterrane again. I avoided opening most chests, as they can be chock-full of tough monsters, and I got to a save point close to the bottom. This save point is right near the two boss battles listed below. I tried the Lunasaurs three times, then stopped to beat Plague. I went back and tried the Lunasuars again, and on my fifth total try, I bested them. Let me tell you, it is TORTURE just running past so many treasure chests. And there really are, SO MANY TREASURE CHESTS. Probably more than in any other dungeon in the game. Oh well, it's not worth dying over. Otherwise, I used an online walkthrough to find the other save point on the fifth level, and I saved it there. I believe there's another boss fight to obtain a great weapon in this area. I will do that next time I play.
PLAGUE (to obtain Holy Lance):
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What is there to even say anymore? |
A large floating eyeball that really doesn't care to attack you. He takes a much more passive approach: casting Doom on the whole party. After this, it's basically just an all-out attack-fest to try to kill him before the timers run out. Luckily, some Jumps, some Bahamuts, and some general attacking took him down easily enough. Otherwise, he will caste Haste on people, to, I assume, speed up the timers. He's pretty easy though. Not like the fucking Lunasaurs.
LUNASAUR (x2) (to obtain two Ribbons)
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Well, these fuckers killed me. They didn't seem too bad for most of the battle, until one of them used an attack called Bad Breath. It caused frog, silence, confuse, and maybe other things, to the entire party. After that, forget it, the party was decimated a few turns later. Otherwise, they cast Reflect, Bio (which RAVAGES), and use a fire attack (Flame I think it's called?). I shut it off right after being killed.
Attempt number two went just as badly. As soon as Bad Breath was cast, that was the fucking end. At least I realized there's a save point right next to them. So I didn't lose all my damn progress. Time for attempt number three!
Bad Breath'd again. Fuck.
Four attempts. Still cannot beat these fuckers. ALL THEY DO IS CAST BIO! It causes anywhere between 1,600-2,800 points of damage. Fuck me with a Reflected Bio.
On attempt number five, I finally took these shitheads down. Besides my normal attacking patterns, I had Edge Throw some weapons I wasn't using. These did huge damage. Otherwise, I just walloped them, because they didn't case Bad Breath. And the reward? Two head-pieces that prevent various status ailments. This would have been MUCH MORE HELPFUL before this battle. Oi vey
DAY 25 (2/6/15. PLAYTIME: 20:42 TO 22:00)
Tried to fight Dark Bahamut (who's right outside the save point I last used) SEVERAL times with disastrous results. So I spent most of the rest of the time playing just leveling up. After a while of this, I went back (with everyone up at least three levels) and beat, BARELY, Dark Bahamut. That was pretty much it, despite the fact that I played for a good chunk of time. Saved it shortly thereafter
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Hey! It's Bahamut, but darker! |
Yikes. I thought the Lunasaurs were tough. At least I could get 75% through those battles before dying. Dark Bahamut would kill me in 4-6 turns. He starts off immediately casting Mega Flare, which at first killed everyone but Rosa (and sometimes Kain). Afterward, all he does is cast Reflect on himself, then casts Flare on himself, which Reflects back for 1,000-2,000 points of damage. Occasionally he will cast Restore on himself, which will restore 6,000 HP. I had to grind everyone two-or-three levels to finally beat this guy. It took me five-or-six tries.
On my successful attempt, his Mega Flare killed everyone but Rosa and Cecil. I had Cecil attack and Rosa heal every turn. At some point, I was able to Full-Life Kain, who I Jumped with. I attacked with Cecil, Jumped with Kain, and healed furiously with Rosa. At the very end, I Full-Life'd Edge as well. Only Rydia was dead. I was on my toes this whole battle. VERY HARD
On my successful attempt, his Mega Flare killed everyone but Rosa and Cecil. I had Cecil attack and Rosa heal every turn. At some point, I was able to Full-Life Kain, who I Jumped with. I attacked with Cecil, Jumped with Kain, and healed furiously with Rosa. At the very end, I Full-Life'd Edge as well. Only Rydia was dead. I was on my toes this whole battle. VERY HARD
DAY 27 (2/7/15. PLAYTIME: 22:01 TO 23:10)
Went down to the end of the dungeon. After level 7, the monster battles are accompanied by boss battle music. And they can be pretty tough. Got to the bottom and fought Ogopogo to acquire the final ultimate weapon.
Went and found Golbez and Fusoya at the very end, and they are kicking Zemus's ass. They kill him, but he resurrects himself as a monster named Zeromus. He annihilates Golbez and Fusoya, then proceeds to kill the party. Everyone on earth, standing in that Tower of Prayer, know that the party has been killed (do they have a telescope that can see clearly to the Moon?). They all pray really hard, and this brings back the party. [note: apparently goddamn Tellah IS STILL ALIVE? Oi vey] Before he is killed (??), Golbez gives Cecil a Crystal, to show Zeromus's true form.
When the final battle starts, Cecil can use the recently acquired Crystal to force Zeromus into his true form. After this, the real battle begins (he doesn't attack prior to this).
He started off with an attack called Big Bang that hit everyone for 2,500-3,000 damage each. This killed all but Kain and Cecil. He used this attack several more times as well, which means I need to grind some more to get my levels up. My party just needs more health to withstand this attack. Otherwise this first attempt at the final boss didn't last very long.
Went and found Golbez and Fusoya at the very end, and they are kicking Zemus's ass. They kill him, but he resurrects himself as a monster named Zeromus. He annihilates Golbez and Fusoya, then proceeds to kill the party. Everyone on earth, standing in that Tower of Prayer, know that the party has been killed (do they have a telescope that can see clearly to the Moon?). They all pray really hard, and this brings back the party. [note: apparently goddamn Tellah IS STILL ALIVE? Oi vey] Before he is killed (??), Golbez gives Cecil a Crystal, to show Zeromus's true form.
When the final battle starts, Cecil can use the recently acquired Crystal to force Zeromus into his true form. After this, the real battle begins (he doesn't attack prior to this).
He started off with an attack called Big Bang that hit everyone for 2,500-3,000 damage each. This killed all but Kain and Cecil. He used this attack several more times as well, which means I need to grind some more to get my levels up. My party just needs more health to withstand this attack. Otherwise this first attempt at the final boss didn't last very long.
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Hey! It's like Leviathan, but it's Ogopogo-ier |
This is quite an easy battle. He starts by casting Tidal Wave twice in a row. This hurts everyone a bit, doing roughly 1,300-1,600 damage. Luckily a group Curaja fixes this. He doesn't have anything else NEARLY this powerful. Just had Cecil and Edge attack, Rydia Bahamut, Kain Jump, and of course Rosa heals. This battle is certainly no Dark Bahamut or Lunasaurs
Okay, I'll have one more weekly-post for this game, and it'll be just a rundown of final battle. I gave a brief description of the beginning of it up there, but I'll go more in depth for the final post. Thanks for sticking around with me for 7+ weeks so far. I'm going to put up an abridged B-LOG post as well in the coming weeks. Keep on grinding on!
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