Saturday, April 2, 2016

Solo Soulscast Episode 3 - Gabbin' 'Bout Demon's Souls

Solo Soulscast Episode 3 - Gabbin' 'Bout Demon's Souls


Score one for consistency! Welcome one and all to episode 3 of the Solo Soulscast, which is out a week after episode 2! How do you like that? Within, you can join me on a journey of self-discovery, intrigue, wonder, and nostalgic merriment as I talk about (with myself) Demon's Souls. No specific subject, and I did't even have any notes prepared. I was sort of experimenting with a stream of conscious kind of deal. I think it went well, and it was a lot of fun to record. But then again, tt's always fun to talk Souls. Some broad topics you can expect to hear include my history with the game, how I bought it (was it straight cash? Was a plastic card of some kind used? Tune in to find out!), and just a general discussion of what the game means to me personally, and how it paved the way for an even larger love and appreciation for RPGs. But enough text-based rambling here. Get inside and listen to word-based rambling in episode 3 of the Solo Soulscast. As always, thanks for listening!

Also, please note, as with last week's episode, I recorded some pretty rough video footage of the game to accompany the podcast. This was specifically for YouTube. These will be released as normal audio-only podcasts on my blog (one day, one day...). Soon I should be able to record gameplay in a much more professional manner. This here was just to include a video so it wasn't a static image on YouTube. The video, and its crappy quality, are not the focal points here. At any rate, I just started a new game in Demon's Souls and just played for about 30 minutes. Enjoy!

 Big Horns Intro 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (