The Big "O"
Well, well, well. Looks like an old friend from the past (but is it though?) has come to visit. I had quite the smile on my face as I walked through the fog gate and saw a tall, slender knight on the other side. First off, yes, another knight boss. But what's so special about this knight boss? Why did I smile (and secretly cry tears of pain on the inside?)? Well, it was none other than Dragon Slayer Ornstein! You know, of Ornstein and Smough fame, from Dark Souls? Arguably the toughest bosses in the game (that's where my money goes anyway)? He seems to make an appearance as a boss in this game -- even though his name is Old Dragonslayer --, which I personally think is awesome. At this point, I haven't seen much tying Dark Souls I and II together, and this is a nice touch...strenuous as it might be. As I was marvelling aloud at how cool it was that he was in this game, he killed me within five seconds of entering his arena. That's how it goes. But hold on, gentle reader, because I don't think all is as it seems here.Is this REALLY Ornstein? Let's backtrack a bit. I certainly am no master of the Dark Souls lore, as complicated and hidden as it is. In fact, I didn't really know lore existed for these games until I stumbled upon EpicNameBro's AMAZING lore videos on YouTube. If you haven't watched them, check them out. I also believe he co-authored the strategy guide for this game too, which is neat. Anyway, from what I know of Ornstein and Smough, and from what I've read online, I don't believe this Old Dragonslayer to be the same boss from the first game. I mean, you do kill him in the first game. I think there are two possibilities (WARNING: lore conjecture from me upcoming) here: either this is actually the REAL Ornstein, and the one from the first game was an illusion (I've read things online that support the illusion angle), or this is just some sort of imposter/distant relative, and the Ornstein from the original is the real deal. I suppose it's possible that O from the original game is the real one, and perhaps (if Dark Souls II is even set after the events of the first game. Remember, I haven't beaten it yet, I'm not up on the lore of this one yet, I'm flying by the seat of my pants, just having fun) this Old Dragonslayer is a relative, as I've said, and he's keeping the tradition alive. Perhaps, also, that since O was the captain of Gwyn's knights, he could have been famous with the people, and now, long after his death, knights are still honoring him by dressing like him and fighting like him. Long shot probably, but it's not insane. But if this was the case, why would the name be Old Dragonslayer? That seems to indicate an established, seasoned veteran, who's put years into his knighthood. The final odd piece of information that differentiates Old Dragonslayer from Ornstein is that Ornstein uses lightning attacks (and armor imbued with lightning), yet O.D. (sick of typing that long name!) is weak to lightning, and uses dark magic. At any rate, this is one of the most exciting aspects of Dark Souls II lore. Let the speculation continue!
Now, onto the actual battle. It's very similar to the one in Dark Souls, although considerably easier of course. Firstly, he's a pretty early boss, so he's not supercrazyhard. Also, you fight him alone. Hallelujah! Finally, I think he's more normal size, compared to his bigger version in the first game. Even so, it took me a few tries to get this guy down. But it was still fun anyway. He has his trademark long spear, and all his awesome-looking armor (including the lion helmet). I can't recall the names of his equipment at the moment. EDIT: After quickly looking it up, his armor in Dark Souls doesn't have a special name. It's just, "Ornstein's Armor". You do get a Leo Ring for defeating him, but I believe it's an Old Leo Ring. I'm not sure the significance of it being "old" (another piece to the puzzle). Anyway, you can block his quick attacks and strafe to a side of him, and get a few hits in, before you need to put your shield back up. I didn't roll much in this battle, I was all about the shield. And for fun, summon a phantom or two, and show this motherfucker how much fun a lopsided battle can be. But if you summon a shade/phantom, know this battle gets supremely easy, as it goes.
Overall, this is a great battle, and is a nice callback to probably the most famous (and again, arguably most difficult) boss battle in Dark Souls. Yes, he's a knight boss (I think we're finally escaping the knight-boss-quagmire), but he's the coolest one yet, for sure.
Times I died: 4
Difficulty: 6/10
Overall rating: 8/10.
Get ready to flex!
BOSS SOUL DESCRIPTION: "The Old Dragonslayer is reminiscent of a certain knight that appears in old legends."
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Dragonslayer Spear |
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