Losing and gaining
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Airshippin' |
This post is going up on Friday instead of Thursday. Sorry for the slight delay, but a family emergency took precedence this week. Onward to the diary!
DAY 8 (1/5/15. PLAYTIME: 4:52 TO 5:46)
Half my day was spent grinding to level up some characters. Mainly Cecil. I realized that since Cecil is now a Paladin, he was reset back to level 1 (maybe it was 2 or 3, I’m not exactly sure as I didn’t notice it at first. Level 1 makes the most sense…). I stayed around Mt. Ordeals to level. Afterward, I went back to Mysidia to talk to the Elder. I was told I could use the Devil’s Road to get to Baron, to steal an airship.
After I wandered around for a bit, trying to find this so-called Road of the Devil, I found a little Chocobo forest, which was pretty cool. Hopped on a Chocobo and rode my way back to Mysidia, which was where the damn Devil’s Road was to begin with. I stepped in, and it transported me to Baron. Let’s find an airship!
At the inn, who do I find but Yang! He’s in control of some soldiers, and he is none-too-pleased to see me. After whooping the asses of the guards and Yang himself, he snaps out of being an asshole. Apparently, after being thrown off the ship by Leviathan, he lost his memory. He does say Rydia was swallowed by Leviathan…
He joins the party, and he has a Baron Key (used to open various doors in Baron). Now, to find Cid, who’s locked somewhere in the castle. Find him, find the airship. This day was the least exciting of the three you will read for this diary entry. Let’s look at notes:
- Not much today. My friend Max did clue me into what some of the mystery commands do, like “Twins”, “Cry”, and “Cover”
- Twins: the two mages (P & P I call ‘em) sit out a few turns, then they use a random, semi-powerful spell
- Cry: Confuses the enemies
- Cover: Cecil will take damage for an ally
- I’m still enjoying the HELL out of this game. I wish I had a little more time every week to play this gem. No wonder this game is so revered.
A big fat "none"!
DAY 9 (1/6/15. PLAYTIME: 5:47 TO 6:37)
Holy shit! Quite a day today! Started off in Baron. I found an underwater passage that lead right into the castle. The passageway itself was pretty easy (I did miss a few treasure chests though. For shame). In the castle, you find some old military assholes that Cecil used to know. His name is Baigan. He briefly joins your party, but P & P don’t trust him. And wouldn’t you know it? He’s a damn monster! You fight him (this is definitely the toughest boss in the game so far. Yowza). Right after you defeat him, you walk into the throne room to talk to the king. Well kiss my grits, it’s not really the king! Oi vey! It’s really another Elemental Wizard, like Scarmiglione (but of Water instead of Earth), named Cagnazzo, disguised as the king. You fight him as well. He’s not nearly as tough as Baigan, but coming off the heels of that battle, this one can be pretty rough too.
Right after these two battles, they find Cid. As they attempt to leave the castle, Cagnazzo, from the Netherworld, tries to kill them, by trapping them in a small room and having the walls close in on them. P & P, those noble, silly kids that they are, sacrifice themselves. They turn themselves to stone to stop the walls from closing in. Thanks for everything, little kids! You won’t personally be missed by me, since I couldn’t ever keep your damn names straight.
We then get a scene of Golbez and Kain talking. They need one final Crystal, the Earth Crystal. For reasons unknown, this particular Crystal will be quite the pain for these two to get. They decide it would be easiest for Cecil to get the Crystal for them. Then, they would trade the kidnapped Rosa for the Crystal. Of course, Golbez plans on killing Cecil during the exchange. That dastardly scamp!
Finally, Cid brings them to a hidden airship. As they start flying, Kain intercepts them and tells Cecil of the proposed trade (minus the killing, of course). Phew, that’s everything! Some notes, eh?
- Tough, tough stretch. I used most of my consumables.
- Since P & P aren’t with us anymore, I don’t really feel bad that they were KO’d during those boss battles and didn’t receive any of the experience.
- So THAT’S why the king has been acting like such an asshole recently. Case closed there
BAIGAN (plus left and right arms):
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Another day, another goofy fucking boss |
This battle actually began easily enough. I thought I was in for an easy ride. I had Cecil and Yang attack the right and left arms, which had probably 400-500 HP each. Tellah and Palom used offensive magic, and Porom healed when necessary. After Baigan's arms are taken away, he will restore them after a few turns. After he did this a second time, I (probably foolishly) decided to ignore the arms and focus all my attacks on his body. If he was just regenerating them anyway, why waste precious turns attacking them? Right when he casted Reflect on himself is when the battle took a turn for the ugly. THEN he casted Reflect on one of the P's (I honestly don't remember which one. Porom I think?), and things really got complicated. I couldn't group-heal anymore, which really sucked. One of the young mages was KO'd and I just left them like that. It was easier for me to do that than to constantly resurrect them (also, I was running out of Phoenix Downs and MP for the Life spell).
At any rate, Cecil and Yang attacked (or healed, as necessary) and anyone else alive also healed. This was a nasty battle. Through perseverance, LOTS of consumables, and some hard hits from Cecil and Yang, I finally took him down. I was relieved. That feeling wouldn't last long, however...
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Probably my favorite looking boss so far |
This one was tough at the beginning, but really got easy towards the end. But, coming directly from the Baigan battle, it was not fun. He used Tsunami towards the start of the battle, and he took out Tellah, Palom, and Porom. I decided to leave all three of them KO'd, and I just used Cecil and Yang for a large majority of the fight. Luckily, Cagnazzo only attacks, uses Tsunami, uses Haste on himself, or goes into a Turtle Defense and heals. Also, it seems that every cast of Tsunami he uses does less and less damage. The first one he did caused between 200-250 damage per character. By the end, it was only doing 50 or less. I had Yang use Double and smash him for some good damage, and I had Cecil use group Cura until he ran out of MP. The first time Cagnazzo went into his Turtle Defense, I resurrected Tellah, and I had him slam away with his medium magic. Cagnazzo went down easily enough once those three were all attacking (didn't bothering reviving P & P).
DAY 10 (1/8/15. PLAYTIME: 6:38 TO 7:33)
(hey, Cid is in my party now! Didn't even notice that on Tuesday). Not quite the crazy day that Tuesday was, but still pretty eventful. After flying around in the airship trying to a.) find Troia and b.) trying to figure out where the hell to LAND the airship near Troia, I entered the castle. There are clerics here that say the Earth Crystal was stolen by a Dark Elf. He went into a nearby cave with it. Of course he did. Don't these kingdoms have better storage areas and security for these sacred, powerful Crystals?
Before leaving to go retrieve the Earth Crystal, we find Edward! Sarcastic hoorah's all around. Thankfully, he's too injured to join your party. But he does give Cecil a mysterious harp.
I was told that the cave where the Dark Elf resides is on an island to the northeast. I found it easily. What I couldn't find easily was where to land the airship. I had to consult an online walk through (for shame, I know. Hey, only the second time I've had to do it so far. Not too bad). Apparently, there is a Chocobo forest north of Troia, and there is a black Chocobo that you can use. He can fly and land in the forests of the island. Maybe I didn't talk to enough people in the castle or the town (which is a possibility. I was in and out pretty fast. No time to waste, you know?), but how was I supposed to know there was a VERY inconspicuous forest that had a Chocobo that could fly? I only saw one other Chocobo forest, and it was quite clear it wasn't a normal forest. It was a perfect circle of forest area that was surrounded by the normal forest. It's tough to explain, but suffice to say that you could immediately tell it was something different than just a normal forest area. This Chocobo forest? Looked like all the rest of the forest areas. It wasn't OBVIOUS like the other one.
Oh well, I got to the cave at any rate. The Magnetic Cave is a semi-annoying place. If you have any kind of metal equipped, you can't do anything in battles. So some of my equipment had to be taken off, and Cecil's sword had to be switched for the Crossbow. Luckily the cave is pretty short and it's not too tough.
Once you get through it you find and fight the Dark Elf. At first he kicks your ass embarrassingly. Somehow though, far off in the castle in Troia, Edward senses you are in trouble. He plays a melody on his harp that negates the magnetic field of the cave. You are able to hear it through the harp he gave you earlier. With no more magnetism to ruin the fun, Cecil can equip his normal sword. Now the battle is super easy (even though the Dark Elf transforms). After the battle, I grabbed the Earth Crystal and saved it and shut it off. Besides the bother of trying to figure out where exactly I could land, this was a good session!
- There's an enemy in the Magnetic Cave called "Cait Sith". He actually looks like the serene, spotted leopard-like enemies from Final Fantasy VII (and others, I believe) "Cuahl". Interesting
- It's great to have access to an airship. Love zipping around in it.
- I also love the look of Cid. He looks like a psycho
- I'm going to complain about the random battle rate again. It's very frustrating. If this was a traditional B-LOG SLAYING, that would definitely be a "con"
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Really, does this game have a penchant for silly-looking bosses or what? |
Very first time you fight him, he wastes you pretty easily. After Edward gives you the ability to use Cecil's sword (which cleans house in this battle), this is an easy fight. Cecil, Yang, and Cid all do pretty good damage, so I just had them attack. Tellah's magic does jack shit, so he's in a supporting/healing role.
After you beat on him a little bit, he transforms into the (not very intimidating) Dark Dragon:
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Nothing like fighting a huge tapeworm |
It's really more of the same. The Dark Dragon is a little more powerful than the Elf, but not by a whole lot. The three non-magic users attack (with Cecil stepping in occasionally to heal) and Tellah heals. Easy peasy. He goes down easy, like delicious fresh-squeezed orange juice.
There it is, folks! I hope you enjoyed it, and look for a new one next week on its normal day: Thursday!
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