Wam! Boom! Straight to da Moon!
DAY 14 (1/15/15. PLAYTIME: 10:07 TO 10:57)
Flew around (for six full minutes) trying to find Eblan. I eventually did. It's an abandoned castle (with a few treasure chests to be had). However there is a cave nearby. With the use of the hovercraft, I made my way there.
I went through a few floors of the Eblan passage (another boring watery cave area, which is disappointing because this is the third or fourth "watery passage" in the game so far) until I found the inhabitants of the castle. I also found their prince, Edge, fighting Rubicante. Suffice to say (surprise surprise) he was getting his ass kicked. After the beat down, he joins your party, and he sneaks the party into the Tower of Babel, which is connected to the passageway.
I went through a few floors of the Eblan passage (another boring watery cave area, which is disappointing because this is the third or fourth "watery passage" in the game so far) until I found the inhabitants of the castle. I also found their prince, Edge, fighting Rubicante. Suffice to say (surprise surprise) he was getting his ass kicked. After the beat down, he joins your party, and he sneaks the party into the Tower of Babel, which is connected to the passageway.
I spent the rest of the time running through here and grinding a tiny bit. Will grind more here next time I play.
- I meant to add this in last week's post, but I think the airship music kicks major ass.
- How many characters get introduced to the audience by getting their asses handed to them in battle? Seems like a lot
- Not a whole lot more to add, really. I didn't do a ton (if you're curious, the random battle rate is still absurdly high)
DAY 15 (1/16/15. PLAYTIME: 10:58 TO 11:51)
Today was a little more eventful than yesterday. I grinded (a real word?) a little bit around the save room of the Tower of Babel. Eventually I pressed onward, and I found Edge's parents, the king and Queen of Eblan. Too bad they are monsters now!Yikes!
After a sad (as in, awfully melancholic) battle, they died. Rubicante then appears! He tells them that Dr. Lugae turned Edge's parents into monsters. This pisses Edge off so much he learns two new (badass) ninjitsu attacks. Ruby wants a fair fight, so he heals the party completely! What a nice guy.
You fight him. After this long, arduous fight, Ruby assures us he'll rise again. After this, I just went back to the area around the save room, and I just leveled a little more, because I only had about 15 minutes left to play.
After a sad (as in, awfully melancholic) battle, they died. Rubicante then appears! He tells them that Dr. Lugae turned Edge's parents into monsters. This pisses Edge off so much he learns two new (badass) ninjitsu attacks. Ruby wants a fair fight, so he heals the party completely! What a nice guy.
You fight him. After this long, arduous fight, Ruby assures us he'll rise again. After this, I just went back to the area around the save room, and I just leveled a little more, because I only had about 15 minutes left to play.
- Even though I had some boss fights, still not a whole lot to expound upon today. The monsters, as is the case basically everywhere, are pretty tough. I must be under-leveled, at least a little bit. Should probably grind some more. I don't mind grinding, and I realize it's a necessary part of a game like this, but I just wanna PLAY. Since I don't always have a huge amount of time to play, I hate using that precious time to mindlessly level up
- Rubicante is my favorite villain so far. Easily. He seems to be the only one who's really fleshed out, and seems to have more complexity to him
These are Edge's parents, but they've been turned to monsters by Doc Lugae. They attack for a few turns before the final bit of their old humanity pokes through. The music gets very somber, and they don't attack anymore after this. So you basically just smash them with the toughest stuff you have, while they tell Edge they don't belong in this world anymore, and while Edge gets really sad by it. This is barely even a boss fight, but it's pretty sad and full of melancholy. Jeez Final Fantasy IV, way to tug on the heartstrings!
I actually really enjoy ol Ruby here. He's polite, and all he wants is a fair, balanced fight (plus, his name sounds like some sort of spicy, delicious rub for a pork shoulder). Hell, he even completely restores your HP & MP before the battle. Also, Edge unlocks two new ninjitsu moves right before this battle. The battle isn't too bad, but it's pretty long. Ruby has a lot of health.
I had Cecil attack (or group heal when needed); Edge used his ninjitsu Blitz attack (until he ran out of MP, then he just attacked regularly); Rosa of course healed; and Rydia just attacked, because fire and ice heal him, and Thunder doesn't even scratch him. I suppose I could have tried Titan or Dragon. Didn't even think of it. Whoopsy.
I think, offense wise, the most important person in this battle is Kain. His Jump does HUGE damage. So that's what he did for the entire battle. Without him, this battle would have been EVEN longer. Yikes.
Ruby doesn't really have many attacks. Every physical attack against him he counters with Fira against the whole party. This was pretty weak luckily. Otherwise he attacks or uses an attack called Glare. This insta-killed anyone but Cecil (at max health).
So I just attacked, healed, and revived, and after a while Ruby went down. He did say he'll rise again though...
I started more than halfway through the Cavern. I quickly made my way to the bottom, to the Crystal Room. And wouldn't you know it, I was actually able to walk up, grab the Crystal, and leave the room! Simple as that! No Golbez coming out of nowhere to steal it. I like this new dynamic!
Of course, grabbing the Crystal set off a trap against a large Demon Wall boss. He's easily dispatched. After this, it's a simple matter of just leaving the Cavern and returning the Crystal to the king. No problemo...
Oh, wait, no it isn't. Because this is Final Fantasy IV, so SOMETHING is gonna go wrong. Golbez (bodylessly) again takes control Kain, who grabs the Crystal and leaves. Fuck. Why wouldn't Cecil even try to stop him? Because he totally doesn't. He stands by, and just lets Kain leave with it. So now Kain is gone again.
After this disappointing series of events, I got back to the Castle. The King isn't too pleased about the Crystal being stolen, but he mentions something about a "Lunar Whale", which is some mythical ship that can fly to the moon. I guess? The elder in Mysidia knows of this, so the plan is to get to the surface and go to Mysidia. BUT! The opening is sealed. Cue Cid, to come in and save the day yet again. He claims he can add a drill to the airship, so they can all get back to the surface world. Of course, he overworks himself, and ends up staying behind in the Castle instead of adventuring. Oh well, at least we can get out of hell here.
Once I fly around for a few minutes and get back to the surface, I arrive in Mysidia. The party is met by the elder, and then everyone goes to the Tower of Worship to pray for the "Lunar Whale". They do, and it appears! Cecil goes into it and finds a Crystal, which navigates the giant ship. We flew it to the Moon.
And that's really about it. I spent the rest of my lunch break grinding, because HOLY SHIT the monsters on the Moon are tough as shit! Boy howdy!
I'm gonna cheat a little bit. After I finished playing on my lunch on the 18th, I played later that night and the following morning. It was a combined 30 minutes, and it was exclusively just grinding on the Moon. Everyone's levels are in the high-30's, and I'd like them to be at least 40-42. Once I hit that goal, I'll continue the story.
This is a really easy battle. Also, I can now appreciate the Demon Wall (maybe not his exact name?) from Final Fantasy VII, during the end of the Temple of the Ancients. Pretty cool. But really, this battle is far easier than that one. The wall edges ever closer, and all he does is use a decidedly weak physical attack, and will occasionally use Stone Gaze, which does...something, to a character? I'm honestly not sure what the negative effect is. But as far as the party's offense, everyone is in on it: Cecil and Edge Attack, Kain Jumps, Rydia spams Titan, and even Rosa (!!) uses Aim (and of course heals when necessary). I assume you have to kill this guy before he gets too close and crushes you. Luckily, his attacks are so weak you can whale on him and barely even have to worry about healing or anything. I killed him easily, when he was about halfway across the screen. Even one of the characters said it (Edge?) right after: "Nothing to it". Hopefully that's not ominous foreboding...
Luckily, it wasn't (as far as boss battles go). Here's a bigger picture of the battle, to show how big the boss is:
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LOVE that cape! |
I actually really enjoy ol Ruby here. He's polite, and all he wants is a fair, balanced fight (plus, his name sounds like some sort of spicy, delicious rub for a pork shoulder). Hell, he even completely restores your HP & MP before the battle. Also, Edge unlocks two new ninjitsu moves right before this battle. The battle isn't too bad, but it's pretty long. Ruby has a lot of health.
I had Cecil attack (or group heal when needed); Edge used his ninjitsu Blitz attack (until he ran out of MP, then he just attacked regularly); Rosa of course healed; and Rydia just attacked, because fire and ice heal him, and Thunder doesn't even scratch him. I suppose I could have tried Titan or Dragon. Didn't even think of it. Whoopsy.
I think, offense wise, the most important person in this battle is Kain. His Jump does HUGE damage. So that's what he did for the entire battle. Without him, this battle would have been EVEN longer. Yikes.
Ruby doesn't really have many attacks. Every physical attack against him he counters with Fira against the whole party. This was pretty weak luckily. Otherwise he attacks or uses an attack called Glare. This insta-killed anyone but Cecil (at max health).
So I just attacked, healed, and revived, and after a while Ruby went down. He did say he'll rise again though...
DAY 16 (1/17/15. PLAYTIME: 11:52 TO 12:59)
I dicked around in the Tower of Babel for a while. I call it accidental leveling, because I was leveling by wandering around aimlessly. Eventually I found the Crystal room, but there was a trap that dropped me to the part of the Tower of Babel that is in the Underworld.
I wandered around some more and found an abandoned enemy airship. We hijacked it and flew back to the king in the Dwarf Castle.
Apparently I was slightly off in what I said last week, in that Golbez had stolen the other Dark Crystal and we were going to meet him at the Tower to steal them all back. He actually HADN'T stolen the final Dark Crystal yet. It is within the Sealed Cavern, and he can't access it. The king gives the party a necklace that will open the Sealed Cavern. Great! Only problem? This dumb airship doesn't fly over the magma. However, someone in the Dwarf Castle mentions something about a crazy old coot in the infirmary. Intrigued, I searched for the infirmary. After searching for it for a few minutes, I found it. And nestled between the sheets of one of the beds was none other than...
...CID! He (apparently) survived that huge explosion! This is wonderful. He gets up (against doctor's orders, sort of like Edward did so long ago) and fixes the airship so it can fly over the magma. He unfortunately doesn't join back in the party (he's too injured), but he's alive and that's all that matters!
So the party heads southwest to the Sealed Cavern. It's, surprise surprise, another goddamn cave dungeon. That's a "con" I would include in a traditional B-LOG SLAYING: dungeon variety is really lacking.
I saved it in the Cavern, so there isn't much else to say. I think next time I pick it up to play, I'll probably encounter a boss, because there is ALWAYS a boss of some kind at the end of the dungeons.
I wandered around some more and found an abandoned enemy airship. We hijacked it and flew back to the king in the Dwarf Castle.
Apparently I was slightly off in what I said last week, in that Golbez had stolen the other Dark Crystal and we were going to meet him at the Tower to steal them all back. He actually HADN'T stolen the final Dark Crystal yet. It is within the Sealed Cavern, and he can't access it. The king gives the party a necklace that will open the Sealed Cavern. Great! Only problem? This dumb airship doesn't fly over the magma. However, someone in the Dwarf Castle mentions something about a crazy old coot in the infirmary. Intrigued, I searched for the infirmary. After searching for it for a few minutes, I found it. And nestled between the sheets of one of the beds was none other than...
...CID! He (apparently) survived that huge explosion! This is wonderful. He gets up (against doctor's orders, sort of like Edward did so long ago) and fixes the airship so it can fly over the magma. He unfortunately doesn't join back in the party (he's too injured), but he's alive and that's all that matters!
So the party heads southwest to the Sealed Cavern. It's, surprise surprise, another goddamn cave dungeon. That's a "con" I would include in a traditional B-LOG SLAYING: dungeon variety is really lacking.
I saved it in the Cavern, so there isn't much else to say. I think next time I pick it up to play, I'll probably encounter a boss, because there is ALWAYS a boss of some kind at the end of the dungeons.
- EVERY door in this Cavern is really a monster. It has a ton of HP, and if you don't kill it fast enough, it spawns an additional monster. It's not hard, but it's very tedious. However you get a nice chunk of experience for it.
- Talking to people in towns really helps! I wasn't sure exactly what to do once I realized I needed to go over the magma to get to the Cavern. But I talked to a bunch of people, and I realized I needed to go to the infirmary! Score one for diligence
- Besides the low variety of dungeons, I'm really starting to realize that their isn't a huge amount of enemy sprite variety. It's mostly palette swaps and different names. A bit disappointing.
DAY 17 (1/18/15. PLAYTIME: 13:00 TO 13:22)
Didn't do much during my small session at all. Got through some of the Cavern, mostly just fighting those damn monster doors. Got lots of leveling done as well. Nothing else to add. Sorry to disappoint with a tiny little paragraph
DAY 18 (1/22/15. PLAYTIME: 13:23 TO 14:55)
I started more than halfway through the Cavern. I quickly made my way to the bottom, to the Crystal Room. And wouldn't you know it, I was actually able to walk up, grab the Crystal, and leave the room! Simple as that! No Golbez coming out of nowhere to steal it. I like this new dynamic!
Of course, grabbing the Crystal set off a trap against a large Demon Wall boss. He's easily dispatched. After this, it's a simple matter of just leaving the Cavern and returning the Crystal to the king. No problemo...
Oh, wait, no it isn't. Because this is Final Fantasy IV, so SOMETHING is gonna go wrong. Golbez (bodylessly) again takes control Kain, who grabs the Crystal and leaves. Fuck. Why wouldn't Cecil even try to stop him? Because he totally doesn't. He stands by, and just lets Kain leave with it. So now Kain is gone again.
After this disappointing series of events, I got back to the Castle. The King isn't too pleased about the Crystal being stolen, but he mentions something about a "Lunar Whale", which is some mythical ship that can fly to the moon. I guess? The elder in Mysidia knows of this, so the plan is to get to the surface and go to Mysidia. BUT! The opening is sealed. Cue Cid, to come in and save the day yet again. He claims he can add a drill to the airship, so they can all get back to the surface world. Of course, he overworks himself, and ends up staying behind in the Castle instead of adventuring. Oh well, at least we can get out of hell here.
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The Lunar Whale! |
Once I fly around for a few minutes and get back to the surface, I arrive in Mysidia. The party is met by the elder, and then everyone goes to the Tower of Worship to pray for the "Lunar Whale". They do, and it appears! Cecil goes into it and finds a Crystal, which navigates the giant ship. We flew it to the Moon.
And that's really about it. I spent the rest of my lunch break grinding, because HOLY SHIT the monsters on the Moon are tough as shit! Boy howdy!
I'm gonna cheat a little bit. After I finished playing on my lunch on the 18th, I played later that night and the following morning. It was a combined 30 minutes, and it was exclusively just grinding on the Moon. Everyone's levels are in the high-30's, and I'd like them to be at least 40-42. Once I hit that goal, I'll continue the story.
- They say the "Lunar Whale" (a giant ship) comes from the Moon, yet when it is prayed for, it doesn't come from space. It forms out of a Whirlpool. Weird
- The party getting split up YET AGAIN kinda sucks. I haven't minded the constant revolving-door policy as it concerns the party members, but I liked Kain. Another good fighter in the party ain't a bad thing
- And since Cid is too injured, he can't even join. So it's Cecil, Edge, Rydia, and Rosa.
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Good heavy metal album cover? |
Luckily, it wasn't (as far as boss battles go). Here's a bigger picture of the battle, to show how big the boss is:
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If you didn't know, I PAUSEd the game |
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